DIY Money Plan has been a long time coming. For nearly a year prior, many aspects of my life were pointing to it. This aligns well with my personal mission and direction in life. I often gab my wife’s ears off discussing personal finance. She’s too kind to shut me down, even though she has no interest in financial planning. Other than spending time with family, there’s nothing else I’d rather be doing. I love nerding out over finance.
I attended school for corporate finance, thinking I wanted to manage large businesses. My career took a turn toward personal finance shortly after college and continues to be the case today.
I strive to live intentionally. To live this way, my motives must be made clear. The purpose for DIY Money Plan is to have a positive impact on the do-it-yourself community. Anyone can teach themselves to attain financial independence with the tools available today. I hope you find this blog a helpful resource to add to your toolbox.